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Gainsight Home vs Dashboards

  • 24 May 2024
  • 4 replies

What exactly is the goal of Home vs Dashboards?  We are trying to determine what reports should live on Home and which should be reserved for their own Dashboard.

4 replies


We use our ‘Home’ page to drive the day-to-day business and the ‘Dashboard’ more for a holistic across entire CSM business for reporting. 

‘Home’ page is laid out for each CSM the same, but only show’s their book of business and the ‘Dashboard’ shows reporting for certain metrics for the entire team. 

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I use Home for a quick-glance “Start here each day” look for an individual or a manager to see CTAs, Timeline Activity, portfolio stats like aggregate ARR and customer count.

I use Dashboards for more in-depth studies into certain subject areas. For example, I’ve built Dashboards revolving around NPS, slicing it by Industry, by Segment, by Region, by Product, by Date, by Responder Role, etc. Same for Business Reviews, where we wanted to analyze our Business Review activity from several different angles easily. That BR analysis doesn’t live as naturally on Gainsight Home as it does on a custom Dashboard.

I use Home the same way as @matthew_lind.  

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As a CSM, I love the ability to customize GS Home. Our admins make A TON of dashboards but in reality 1-2 reports from 3 or 4 of them are most relevant to me, so I’ll put them on my Home and use it as the starting point for 90-95% of my work in Gainsight. So IMO a good dashboard will have good data to help a large group of folks however a good Home can pick and choose for each individual. 
