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Groups tags are a great way to organize your groups on your group overview page. They allow end users to explore groups using group tags as filters. Ultimately it's easier for them to find relevant groups to join. 


Here’s how to assign a group tag to a group:

  1. Navigate to Groups in Control

  2. Find the group to which you want to add a group tag

  3. In the Group details tab you will see a Group tags field

  4. Enter a new group tag or select an existing one using the group down

The Group tags field


How Group tags appear in destination:

Once you have assigned groups tags to groups, you will see changes on your group overview page.

The groups tags will appear above the list of groups in the "Find a new group" section.

Clicking on groups tags will act as filters to reduce the list of groups displayed. When selecting two group tags for instance, the groups displayed in the list will have one tag or the other or both tags. 

Example of group overview with group tags


To note: 

  • When an end user first lands on the group overview page, he will see listed all the groups he has the rights to see (based on the group type: public, private, hidden)
  • Only the group tags assigned to at least group will be displayed in destination

Hi @Marion Frecaut! Curious to know if this is being deployed out in phases? The new UI as shown in the screenshots isn’t something we see yet on our Group overview pages (or at least not on the sandbox.)


@Beachball3000 try looking with a non admin account. Because this is only to sort groups you are not a part of as I understand…

@SmartlyGreg you’re right, thank you -- I can see it now! =)

The group-tags are more like a <Div>, does a pleasing visual-sorting, but what we miss is ability to curate groups like keyword-tags that tags need to enable


Hi! I’ve never seen the group tag overview on my Groups page, even though I’ve added tags to several of my groups (and I’m an admin). Another colleague of mine with admin access does see the group tag overview on the Groups page… Any idea why this would be if we have the same permission?

Lemme try to explain the UX and you can check on your end @JessicaMendez 

On the /groups page

Public: Not not logged in

you see all the tags set for Public and Private groups only on your platform under a common ‘Find a new group’ heading.


When logged in

The system can check which groups you are already a part of and shows them for you, on top, under the ‘My Groups’ heading and you wouldn’t see them tagged.

The rest of the Groups you have not joined continues to appear under the ‘Find a new group’ section (under the ‘My Groups’ section) and the tags are showed for them.


Thank you @anirbandutta ! This makes a lot of sense! I appreciate the clear explanation and visuals!
