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Add more search criteria to Private Messages

Related products:CC Private Messages
  • January 22, 2019
  • 1 reply

Suvi Lehtovaara
As we are a mature community we do have a long history of exchanging private messages with our customers. Sometimes we might have a case of a possible stolen identity, fraud or other misuse.

So, sometimes there is a need to check messages and details from older messages, and in a case of stolen identity, there might be two community users pretending to be the same person. Therefore it would be handy for the moderators to be able to search PM's by email and the contents of the PM. Also it would be really good to see the exact time stamp of the PM's.

A case example from today:

A customer has registered Nickname1 to our community using and Nickname2 using Our moderators exchanged private messages with Nickname2 back in 2017.

Now in 2019 Nickname1 contacts our moderator team. They see that an order has been placed via the community, but they do not see it in the PMs.

We only had the first email registered in our CRM system, so we were, at first, unable to find Nickname2. After a while we were, luckily, able to find the user and all is well... But, in the future it would be handier to be able to just find the messages a little bit easier 😉

1 reply

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 15 replies
  • April 24, 2023

The ability to keyword search direct messages would be a massive help. That sounds relevant here, but happy to create its own idea too @daniel.boon.


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