Hi all, related to this Idea I just posted, I’ve noticed today that it’s not possible to display Company fields on the “Relationship” section of a CTA layout.
This surprises me since everywhere else in the platform, the relationship looks up to the company and as the “smaller entity” it can look back up to the upstream chain… company, parent company, grandparent company etc.
While there’s certainly a Company Tab, I - in some circumstances - want to display fields from the company layer in a relationship environment.
Example :
I want to review a new customer to assign them. I have a CTA at the relationship level because we’re multi-product line.
At the relationship level, I set a CSM, an engagement model and cadence, a stage which are specific to the product, and not necessarily the same as CSMs on the other products.
At the company level, I want to set or review a segment. The segment for us is a company / customer account matter and it remains at the company level. But, either I need to set it as I review a relationship which is first of its name OR I want to review it because the customer has expanded and they probably have changed segments.
My ask:
And as such it would make sense for me to be able to display the segment alongside Relationship fields, because it belongs to my assignment review. And because the relationship influences it, and equally the segment while defining the company does somewhat pertain to the relationship.
Consistent with everywhere else on the platform, CTA available fields should display upstream lookups (so company fields from relationship layer)