To sum this up I want to be able to set filter conditions such that we can setup incremental loads from SF or any other integration. To do that I would like to add a drop down option to the “Select Date” dropdown that is last run which would be the datetime of the last time the rule ran. When that option is selected an additional text box should show up for offset in hours (up to 24 hours). Offset would allow you to select how much overlap with the previous run you would want. From what I gather most folks have Gainsight setup to run their rules once a day however businesses which need near real time or they want near real time data presented to their CSM’s incremental loads is a must.

Currently when I want to bring in records which have changed I use a filter condition like this:
Last modified date greater then or equal to subtract 1 day from run date

In many cases this brings in too large of a subset of records or will bring in the same records multiple times because I run the rules every 2 hours. Incremental loads would restrict the subset of data coming in by pinpointing just the records which have changed since the last time the rule ran.