As it stands today, when creating a lookup field to the Company Person object, you can only search and resolve to the GSID of the Company Person record. Instead, it is advised you use the Person object - but with Person records not having a Company-level relationship, this means that even from a C360, users searching by the Person’s Name will possibly see Person records from ANY company.
Request: Allow Company Person lookup fields to resolve to Person → Email or Person → Name for ease of search/use on C360
Use case: We are building a Customer Reference database in Gainsight. On the C360, we will have reports from a low-volume custom object, allowing CSMs to add new opted-in customer references. The database (object) will have lookups to Company and to Point of Contact (POC). We were hoping POC would be Company Person lookup via email or name - obviously, email and name are pulled from the Company Person → Person lookup, so I understand it’s a layer deeper, but if we could have Company Person records searched by email or name from the Person lookup on this object, it would ensure our CSMs are selecting the proper contact… and that as contacts are updated to Inactive, we can build in review processes. Because Company Person only resolves to the GSID, we cannot do this.