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New Idea

Report Export Schedule Improvements

Related products:CS Reports
  • August 13, 2024
  • 1 reply


User Story:


We recently had a Super Admin leave our org. This person had scheduled six reports to be regularly exported to certain stakeholders. Little did I know that once his user became inactive, these report exports failed. There is absolutely no way I could’ve known this except one of the stakeholders reached out and mentioned he hadn’t received his report for a couple weeks and was wondering why. 


I had to track down the six reports and re-do the schedule under my user. Thankfully we’re pretty organized with our report folders, so I was able to find the six reports pretty easily. If we weren’t organized, it would’ve been borderline impossible because Gainsight Analyzer has precisely zero information available on report export schedules.


The ask: 

Two main asks: 

  1. One of the main best practices you learn as a GS Admin early on is to make sure your Oauth user is an integrations user; otherwise if the Oauth user is tied to an admin and that admin leaves the company, rules immediately break. Why would this same concept not apply to report exports? Allow us to configure the report export schedule as coming from the Oauth user, or better yet, do that by default. This seems like a very basic and essential ask.
  2. Make report export schedules accessible in Gainsight Analyzer. We can see schedules for Rules, Programs, Data Designs, etc. but have absolutely no visibility into which reports are scheduled and at what frequency. Again, this seems like very basic information we should be able to access.

Thanks for considering.

1 reply

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 239 replies
  • September 18, 2024

Scheduled reports need lots of love! I feel they’re not often thought of enough when considering which Gainsight functionality to improve upon. They’re a great way to send critical information to teams in a reasonably quick and simple fashion, but they need more love and attention.


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