We currently are using CTAs to log CSM Sentiment Risks. On these CTAs we have a number of custom fields - drop-downs, strings, textboxes - to facilitate updating the status of the risk, indicate they have asks for other teams, and so on. These fields are used in managerial reporting to update the business on risks.
The CSMs and their managers would have an easier time triaging and updating these CTAs if it was possible to have the custom fields be editable in-line in reporting and the Cockpit (Cockpit doesn’t even allow custom fields to be added to Views). However, I cannot add in-line editability to CTA fields in reports.
See screenshot below where the custom CTA fields are in-eligible. The eligible fields are all Company-level fields added to a report on the CTA object.

While I understand that Call to Action is a system field, it seems that there is a clear use case for being able to edit custom fields that are included in CTA layouts in reporting. We already field complaints on CTA maintenance taking too many clicks. It seems reasonable to be able to update these kind of fields in a tabular view similar to, say, a Scorecard Mass Edit widget.