Maybe it’s just me, but I’d love some visual differentiation to different types of in-app notifications in the NC.
- Different notifications have different use cases / value props, and what might visually cue me to click into the notification may be different.
- Using the profile Avatar may create a generic looking notification feed when profile photo/avatar adoption is low:

Which Notifications?
- New topic in a subscribed Category/Group
- I’m subscribed to the category or group because I want to hear about new posts, not necessarily from a specific person.
- Possible alternatives:
- CC platform icon for Topic Type (question, conversation, article, product update, idea)
- Category thumbnail image (already something we have to style for categories and groups, but not often visible in the platform)
- Question Answered
- The useful information is that question I subscribe to has an answer marked, not necessarily who provided it.
- FWIW, the default phrasing for this notification ( makes no mention of the Answer Author, which could lead to confusion (“is that the avatar for the author of the Q or the A?”)
- Note: If you want to do this add the
variable to the phrase.
- Note: If you want to do this add the
- Group Invite and approvals
- I don’t use groups, so it’s not important to me, but the same logic as the “New topic” suggestion applies:
- What’s most relevant is the group, not who invited you.
Potential Impact
- More visual variance in the NC, but in a way that should entice additional clicks into the notifications
- Visual “noise” (avatars) replaced with relevant context (topic type / category thumbnail)
Use Cases
Answer notifications looking more like this:

As a super user, I want to know when an answer is marked on a question I’ve replied to, in order to…
Know if it’s my answer or someone else’s (gamification motivation)
Answer author context is semi-relevant to me
Learn what the best answer is (learning motivation)
Turn off email notifications for answers, but still be able to easily see when answers are marked via the NC.
As a user with the same question, I want to know when an answer is marked on a question I have followed, in order to
Learn and apply that information.
Answer author context is not very relevant to me, plus available when I click into the thread.
Turn off email notifications for answers, but still be able to easily see when answers are marked via the NC.
As a community manager / digital self-service lead, I want to cultivate community behaviors of learning from newly marked answers in the community, in order to…
Increase the knowledge of community members.
Build a Q&A culture that’s less about transactional answers and more about collective learning
Topic Notifications looking more like either of these options

- As a super user, I want to know when questions are asked (or asked in specific forums), in order to help solve them and {fulfill a gamification motivation}
- Earn points
- Earn category-specific or answer-specific badges
- Move up in the ranks
- Move up the leaderboard
- As a multi-product customer / multi-category subscriber, I want to know when topics are posted to the various categories I subscribe to, in order to…
- Decide if I want to click into that topic
- Catch up on conversations I haven’t read
- Prioritize which topics I want to view
My hypothesis is that having these notifications look the same as others (with user avatars) makes users less likely to click into these types of topics. Whereas replacing the avatar with a more relevant category thumbnail or content type icon would make them more likely to click into those types of topics.