I saw this post, requesting that deleting a CTA not delete the associated linked object(s) but I think this request is different enough that it deserves its own post. At the very least, it has not been implemented even if there is overlap.
Here is a use case/context around this:
- You have a low volume custom MDA table that you have configured as a linked object to a Lifecycle or Objective CTA for example.
- On a C360 report, users can add or modify records to the table but they can not delete them.
- As a linked object on a CTA, users have the following actions however:
- Create New record
- Associate Existing record to the CTA (and then modify it)
- De-Link the Associated Low volume Record
- DELETE the associated Low Volume Record
The last option actually deletes the record out of the object and is visible in data management:

This opens the possibilities for end-users to completely remove a record from an object whether they intended to do that or not. While a confirmation dialogue box does come up, the de-link vs delete distinction is not one all end-users will always action on appropriately. At best, deleting a record in this way only negatively impacts the single user. At worse, it could cause major downstream problems.
Please give admins the option to disable the ability to delete these records as a permission, part of the linked object configuration or something. As it is, this presents a blocker for us in adopting this feature.