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Rules and CTA: Allow More Update Options for CTA updates via rule and JO Programs

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I’ve seen a couple of related asks about this, but nothing specifically what I’m after. I also want to make sure and link to this


because I think this will be an important precursor to more CTA updates via rule and Journey Orchestrator (JO). When I’m referring to JO I mean the ability to create/sort of update/close a CTA as part of a conditional wait. I think there should be feature parity between this and the rules engine insofar as CTA manipulation is concerned.


What I would like to see is the ability to make updates to existing CTAs via rules and JO in the following ways:

  • Add/remove/update a task
  • Add a playbook (if one is not already on the cta – This I believe is possible, it’s just not specifically documented for JO)
  • Change the owner of the CTA and/or one or more tasks
  • Change the due date of the CTA and/or one or more tasks
  • Remove/update/replace an existing playbook


There are likely other items that could be added to the list and some may be possible today just with rules, but the main thing is we need more options than adding comments, and the options need to be available both for the rules engine and in JO programs. Additionally, I would ask that the documentation for both Rules and the applicable JO Program related pages have clear documentation on the capabilities on what you can update – “If it works for rules it *should* work for JO” isn’t really the same.

  • Expert ⭐️⭐️
  • May 27, 2021

@bradley sounds interesting, need to check the possibilities and other customer interests as well. 

All, Please up-vote here.

sriram pasupathi

Thank you @bradley. We are planning for update options via rules in the medium term (2 to 3 quarters). We will definitely relook the documentations. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • October 29, 2021

@sriram pasupathi we also have a need for this functionality. Specifically, the ability to use Rules Engine to update the due date of a CTA.


Our Use case is as follows:


When our Onboarding team book a client in to go live, they add a go live date to the Company.


After they book this date in, a CTA is triggered for them to run checks to make sure the client has gone live. Currently, we have to set an arbitrary due date for this CTA, that does not relate to the go live date that has been added to the system.


I would like to set a scheduled rule that would run daily and would allow us to update the due date of these CTAs with the go live date that has been added to company. 


This would ensure that the CTA’s due date always lines up with the date the client is supposed to go live and surfacing to the top of the Onboarding persons Cockpit at the correct time. 


Thank you. 

sriram pasupathi

@faelan_herriott Thank you for providing the use case. This is in our roadmap.

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