Our CS function looks to measure reactive servicing (inbounds from customers to CSMs), so that we can leverage any insights on where optimisations can be made by product, support, content etc to reduce PTC / deflect better.
Most 1:1 emails are in Gmail, and most are then logged to timeline via chrome assist.
Currently, when a CSM receives an inbound email from a customer, and they reply via Gmail, there is no way to tag or codify the reason for that inbound email in gmail itself (i.e. when they are writing/sending the actual email), and therefore it’s very difficult to report / measure where CSMs are spending time, if there are any spikes in reasons for customer contact etc.
Can consideration be given have mirrored email activity options in the Chrome extension?
**I don’t wish to ask CSMs to have to go to GS and manually update there / double handle - employee experience is high up my priority list.