I have 3 programs running where a customer is being excluded if they have been emailed within the last 30 days. If not and they fit the other criteria they are put into a program. Each Customer can only enter each program 1/year.
I scheduled (when I hit publish at a later date) all 3 of these programs to run Tuesday mornings but I cannot seem to see the time I previously set for them to publish. I can only go into the source and see when the Participants list should refresh. Is this were I would control when future participants are put into the program and receive the first email?
Is there a place I can view a calendar of scheduled programs? (When New participants will receive the first email in the chain)
Do I need to ensure that the subsequent programs sync after the previous program has synced and sent to make sure the filter (do not send if they have been emailed within 30 days) is pulling in the most recent sent data from the previous program?
I want to avoid having customers getting all 3 emails