Prior to data management being “horizon-ized,” we were able to edit field types in data management as long as there were no dependencies on that field - i.e. if I was setting up an object and accidentally saved a field as a number instead of a string, I could easily go back and change it as long as I hadn’t sourced that object yet in reports, rules, etc.
Now, though, that ability to edit has annoyingly disappeared. My use case is that I used a CSV to set up an object because it had about 30 fields. So Gainsight guesses what my field types are, and it’s up to me to fix them as needed. I accidentally saved too early though and was unable to edit about 5 fields that were wrongly classified. My only options were to delete each individual field and re-add them one-by-one or just delete the entire object and re-load the CSV.
Both options are a poor user experience, and, more importantly, are a step backward from what we used to be able to do. Please consider bringing this functionality back.