One of these little Admin Quality of Life things I’ve been meaning to post about for a while: Please autofill our global filter configuration!
What I mean is this: Let’s say I have a dashboard that sources 5 objects, and each of those 5 objects are responsible for 4 reports. When I configure the global filter, it asks which object I want to set as the default. So, for example, I select “Company” and then configure my field. The global filter setup then autofills all 4 of my reports built off Company. Great!
The painful part now begins. Instead of being able to autofill each of the remaining 4 objects, I have to painstakingly configure my global filter for each of my remaining 16 reports. Why?? Please add an enhancement where I can have the rest of my 4 objects autofill once I select the right field. Thanks for considering.