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Ability to set calculated columns as 'dynamic' moving Gainsight into a full service BI tool for CSM'

Related products:CS Reports
  • May 16, 2017
  • 1 reply

As we continue to increase the amount of data that we are pushing to Gainsight, our CSM's are becoming more dependent on Gainsight as a BI tool. They are able to pull valuable insights across multiple touchpoints and easily consolidate information to present to customers in monthly scorecards, quarterly touch bases, or annual business reviews. We have one hangup:

The ability for calculated fields to dynamically adjust based on the filter criteria applied which are set on the cadence of the customer meeting or preference of the customer. 

As we are reviewing our customer's performance, CSM's are often adjusting filters and setting date ranges/groupings based on their customer's needs. When the report they are leverage features aggregations, the aggregations can sometimes be misleading because they are calculated on an 'average of averages' for all the lines of data that meet the filter criteria. Here are some examples of where we see this: 

  • Success Percentages (customer ability to successfully leverage our product week over week)
  • Case to User ratio (highlight customers that are struggling more than others to focus additional resources)
  • Feature Utilization (how often a feature is leveraged over a given timeframe)
The ability to have a calculated column in the MDA that adjusts based on the filters when summarizing the data would be a huge improvement in the tool and remove the need for CSM's to download the raw data and create their own calculations for their upcoming customer engagements. 

1 reply

Hi Samantha,

Thanks for posting a detailed note on your use case !

Will definitely look into it and keep you posted

Thanks and Regards,



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