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Add Filtering Capability for 'Owner' Column in Success Plans

Related products: CS Success Plans

Description: Currently, in Success Plans, users have the ability to filter all columns except the 'Owner' column. Although global filters, search functionality, and reporting options are available, the 'Owner' column does not behave consistently with other columns in terms of filtering capabilities.

Current Behavior: The filtering functionality is implemented in Cockpit but not in Success Plans. This inconsistency limits the ability to easily narrow down Success Plans by the 'Owner' directly within the interface.

Requested Feature: Implement a filtering option for the 'Owner' column in Success Plans, consistent with the filtering capabilities of other columns. This would enhance usability by allowing users to quickly and efficiently manage and review Success Plans based on the 'Owner' field directly within the Success Plan view.


  • Improved Usability: Consistent filtering across all columns in Success Plans will streamline the user experience, making it easier to find and manage Success Plans by specific owners.
  • Efficiency: Reduces the need for users to rely on global filters, search, or reports, saving time and effort.
  • Consistency: Aligns Success Plan functionality with Cockpit, ensuring a more uniform experience across the platform.

Case:  #325341

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