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Auto save for long topics/posts/replies

Related products: CC Topic Creation

Hello and (nearly) happy new year!

An idea - can we get an auto save functionality? A couple of our community’s super users have ‘lost’ their posts because there was a tech issue their end so their beautifully written words and well crafted replies were lost, meaning they had to start again.

And when someone loses their whole post, their second attempt is tinged with frustration, alas.

Can we explore adding auto saves to posts?

Happy new year @m4rc ! Thanks for sharing the idea - 100% agree that it’s essential for end-user UX. 

I’ll put this idea to open and collect more thoughts and votes :)

Updated idea status NewOpen

Nice one @xiaoyu-shen :slight_smile:

Our superuser has added some further suggestions, which I’ve quoted below. I have to admit this starts to get a bit too technical for me, but I hope you make sense of it!



I’d go for a localStorage solution, which I’m sure your geek guys will be all over. But:

  • When do you save (after a time, or keypresses (excluding things like /Alt|Control|Shift|Meta/), or when the window closes (iOS ? pagehide : beforeunload) etc)?
  • When do you load/discard the saved state?
  • What about attached or pasted inline objects such as images (different browsers handle this differently)?

This JUST happened to me, and it’s not the first time. It’s extremely frustrating to write something up, with carefully-crafted screenshots and elaborate explanations, only to have an error message about images not being done uploading. And EVERYTHING is gone. 15-20 minutes of building the thing in order to screenshot it, taking the screenshots, and explaining step by step. Wasted time. Nobody wants to redo all of that work.

At this point, I should remember to copy the code of it before submitting, but making sure I add in my own redundancies isn’t my job. My job is to help users with their issues. Not try to avoid having my own issue because heaven forbid I’ve added a few images into a post and inSided hasn’t uploaded them yet (whatever that means, given the fact that they all appeared in my post).

Sorry if this is coming across as rude but it’s so very irritating losing all of that hard work. It’s never as good the second time around and, quite frankly, I really don’t even want to do it all over. So this user may just not get the quality of answer they initially would have.

Hehehe, I think I’d probably suggest doing a similar trick to what Atlassian Confluence and Google Docs both do. Use Local Storage as a temporary cache and then feed said cache back to the server every so often. Double redundancy, double protection that way!

Hello and (nearly) happy new year!

An idea - can we get an auto save functionality? A couple of our community’s super users have ‘lost’ their posts because there was a tech issue their end so their beautifully written words and well crafted replies were lost, meaning they had to start again.

And when someone loses their whole post, their second attempt is tinged with frustration, alas.

Can we explore adding auto saves to posts?

You got my and our super users votes as well! They are frustrated with this, just like your superusers.

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You got my and our super users votes as well! They are frustrated with this, just like your superusers.

This idea gets our double and triple votes!

Any news…?