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Automate regular refresh/rebuild of ranks

Related products: CC Gamification & Engagement

At my last company, we automated some ranks using custom roles like outlined here: 

Shoutout to @rcochran and his team for making that happen. 

At my new company, I have a similar use case I’ll likely explore this for. 

However, the one missing piece of functionality is forcing a rebuild/refresh/recalculation of ranks. So I’d love to see this added and avoid the daily/weekly manual rebuild required with the current setup. 

Even a way to trigger a rebuild in the API would be a good solution. Since the custom role can be assigned via the API, that would allow a custom role and rank rebuild to be triggered in tandem. 

hi @DannyPancratz 

Thanks for sharing your idea. Assigning a role in Control is already a trigger for a rank determination. Unfortunately it is not triggered when the role was assigned in the api. I will change the status of this idea to open.

Updated idea statusNewOpen


Was this ever fixed? Assign a custom role via API should really trigger the rebuild.