Be able to tie timeline entries to Success Plans from Timeline

Related products: CS Timeline

CSMs often start from Timeline for entries, not in a Success Plan.

It would be great from Timeline to have a dropdown option to immediately associate a Success Plan from Timeline. 


We want to avoid a CSM entering directly to Timeline when they intended to make it to a Success Plan and have to redo all their work

@andreammelde thanks for sharing this here.I like the idea and make sense too. I am redirecting this to the product team. 

Thanks for sharing your feedback @andreammelde. This is on our near-term roadmap. We’re working on providing support for multiple record associations from Timeline (multiple Companies, Relationships, CTAs, etc.). Success Plans can be added soon after the first release. The tentative delivery date is the end of Q3.

Adding another vote to this, as our CSM’s work extensively in Timeline.  It will be super helpful to be able to associate their meeting notes, emails, etc. in the Timeline to a particular Success Plan in that account rather than duplicating that information into the Success Plan Timeline tab.

Also discussed here: 


The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

With AI applications creating summary and timeline on CSM’s behalf, its imperative that the system allows tie a timeline entry to ANY object. It just doesnt make sense that the Associated Records are just CTA - atleast not anymore.

Usecase :

CSM gets on a quaterly call to review Success Plan

Gong records the call

Horizon AI creates summary of the call and creates timeline enrty

Agreed with this as we get this request alot.


To add on to this, it’d be nice ot be able to also tie timeline entries to Success Plans via API, as well as CTA too.