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Cheat Sheet Scope - Surveys, Opportunities, Success Plans & CTA

Related products: CS Horizon AI

Currently Cheat Sheet only scans through Timeline entries. However a lot of customer feedback / sentiment lies in Surveys, NPS. Here are the areas Horizon AI should scan and add to cheat sheet

  1. NPS and survey responses
  2. CTA & Success Plans
  3. Open Opportunities

We just had a request from our leadership team to see if we can include the Salesforce opportunities into cheat sheet and specifically the AE notes and other notes in it.  The reason is that they feel like the AEs capture a lot of good detail on the state of the opportunities which  could benefit many others when trying to understand the state of the account. 

Ideally, Cheat Sheet could have opportunities of type renewal automatically update the existing renewal section in cheat sheet.  Then maybe a new section called “Expansion” could be added to cheat sheet and one of their inputs would be open software and services opportunities.  This section could also be influenced by product usage data as well. 

I love this idea, and I completely agree. There are many other places in Gainsight and other systems like Salesforce where teams log information that is critical to shaping the story of their clients, and capturing that in Cheat Sheet would definitely take it to the next level!

Echo John’s comments. The more we can gather useful information to feed the Cheat Sheet the better. We are waiting for a tipping point moment to get people to look at GS first and this gets us closer to that day. 

Thanks for the feedback, we are actively looking into what other data sources can be added to cheatsheet and the sources mentioned above is definitely on our mind. @kstim would love here what other critical information cheat sheet misses currently which will help create better client stories.

@AshutoshSingh Similar to John’s comments, our sales team logs important client notes in Salesforce on the opportunity that relate to risk and renewal. It seems like this could naturally be included in the “Risks/Issues” and “Renewal Discussions” sections of Cheat Sheet to help surface this information in Gainsight to our teams that aren’t in Salesforce all the time (CSMs, consultants, etc.).

+1 the addition of Success Plans to Cheat Sheet. Our CSMs are taking the time to document important customer context in those assets--customer’s goals/desired outcomes, onboarding progress, strategic work. This is a big gap not having this type of info trained into the Cheat Sheet model.