I’ve worked with Gainsight(GS) product since 2015. There have been many upon many product decisions across the last 9 years that have not made sense to me; let’s roll out new features instead of fixing/improving our existing features(who doesn’t like having inactive options in their DropDowns for their end users to see, Why would you want the ability to create SP views to guide your end users to focus for work, or even something as simple as I want to report on the most recent timeline entry and when it occurred without having to run a DataDesigner or Rule?
However, most of them, when thought in a different way can be made sense of or why it is not happening right now.
This is the lesson I have learned working with/providing feedback with product.
I draw the line when features/capabilities are being taken away to meet the, not even end users UI but the admin UI.
Essentially since the admin UI for some reason couldn’t be modified to accurate display preview of a data we’ll simple remove a capability previous allotted to admins and call it a day?
Just to provide context around this. We have a simple rule where we want to push the most recent timeline entry made on a R360/C360 to the actual Company or Relationship Record. How do you do this? Well you fetch timeline entries by Rel and/or Co record. Then you max the activity date, which is a date time. Then you merge that max with the initial timeline fetch, merge of the CO/Rel GSID and Activity datetime. Oh wait, you can’t do that anymore!