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Easy way to access the GSIDs of dropdown values

Related products: CS Data Management & Integrations

I’m having trouble with a rule, the values of a dropdown are shown as GSIDs and I have to use that field as source for a case statement.  But the issue is, that field has 12 possible values and only 8 are used, so there’s no “straightforward” method to get them.

Is it possible to provide a simple way to get those collections of key-value pairs? (e.g, being accessible in report builder,  download a CSV from data management with the GSID and value)





I am looking for an easy way to just export picklist values, with or without the GSIDs (although with GSIDs would be more useful)

This is an important step when managing a large list of picklist values, otherwise I have to manually scroll through values to determine which are present and which are missing.

Yes! This has been a frustrating thing for a long time. You have to be very knowledgeable in the dark arts of Gainsight to even begin to know where to look for said GSIDs, and even then I feel like I have to carefully re-learn how to find them every time it comes up. Please make this easier!

I’ll just add for reference, this is the current method to get the list of picklist / dropdown options with GSIDs:

Which requires both the use of APIs and parsing JSON.

I’ll just add for reference, this is the current method to get the list of picklist / dropdown options with GSIDs:

Which requires both the use of APIs and parsing JSON.



I am looking for an easy way to just export picklist values, with or without the GSIDs (although with GSIDs would be more useful)

This is an important step when managing a large list of picklist values, otherwise I have to manually scroll through values to determine which are present and which are missing.

Especially as there is a lot of whitespace in dropdown management which makes it very cumbersome to scroll through...

Thanks for attaching Wayne’s workaround @benwanlessmenlo

Another little bit of massive frustration with managing long picklists:

When you add a new item to a picklist.

And want it to appear at the top.

And not rearrange the whole list.

You have to click and drag the bottom most item to the top. Because there are 20,30,40+ items and a scroll bar, it can’t be done in one “click and drag” motion. It takes several if not tens of several ‘click and drags’.

Then, you have another new item to add, repeat.
