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Feature Request: Simple Course Satisfaction Indicator (Thumb-Up/Thumb-Down)

Related products: CE

I’d like to request a new feature for our LMS: the ability to enable a simple thumb-up/thumb-down indicator at the course level. This would allow users to quickly rate whether they found the course helpful.

While my team currently embeds surveys for learners to take at the end of specific learning paths, this simpler satisfaction rating (that designers could toggle on/off within the course settings page) would provide a couple key benefits:

  1. Quick Feedback: It offers learners an easy, low-effort way to express their satisfaction.
  2. Course-Level Insights: It would give us a course-specific satisfaction metric that we can view and analyze on the Analytics page. This would help us spot trends and assess which courses are delivering value to users and which need our attention.

I this this addition would enhance the feedback process and improve our ability to assess course effectiveness. Thank you for considering this request!

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