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Fix association of CTAs (particularly Objectives) to Success Plans

Related products: CS Cockpit & Playbooks

Whoever decided that Objectives should be allowed to be created in C360/Global Cockpit apart from Success Plans - and not give the admins ability to control that - missed the mark.

Objectives have always been specific to Success Plans. That is what users are used to.

Now if they see they can create Objectives in Global/C360 cockpit, it blurs the lines of where you go to create what CTA type. 

Saying “this will only work if Objective CTAs behave differently” is a cop-out IMO because:

  1. If you can figure out how to give admins the ability to allow/restrict which CTA types can be created through the Success Plan cockpit, you can figure out how to give admins the ability to allow/restrict which CTA types can be created the Global/C360 cockpit. 
  2. If you really wanted to make this work, you would have given the ability to attach any CTA type to a Success Plan through the Global/C360 cockpit.

Now we’re going to end up with users creating Objectives in C360/Global cockpit thinking they did it through the SP interface, and then coming to admin saying “Oh can you move this over here please?”

End users aren’t good with ambiguity. If they see it’s possible, they’re going to do it. (See Timeline) Without our ability to create clear guardrails, they will make mistakes that will impact their (and our) productivity. 

@pgeorge @revathimenon Can we get some 👀 on this?


This presents an at best confusing, and at worst, problematic, experience for our end users. The end result of which is poor adoption and upset leadership that data is “wrong” or “missing”.

I have an open ticket for this 331956, but it is unclear what if anything will be done about this. If it might be considered a bug, purely an enhancement, and anything resembling a timeline.  

If the ability to create Objectives outside of a success plan is the price of allowing other CTA types *inside* a success plan, so be it. However, as @darkknight points out, that only works if:

  • We can restrict what CTA Types are created outside of a Success Plan just like we can restrict what Types can be created inside a Success Plan. And, crucially, NOT defaulting Objectives as creatable outside a Success Plan.
  • Allowing Objectives created outside of a Success Plan to be able to be associated to a Success Plan during or after creation of said Objective.
  • There should also be a way to require association to a Success Plan that admins can configure

The current execution seems to have started and stopped with “do the bare minimum to allow other CTA types into Success Plans” with no regard to existing processes that might be impacted by not thinking beyond that limited user story.


The current execution seems to have started and stopped with “do the bare minimum to allow other CTA types into Success Plans” with no regard to existing processes that might be impacted by not thinking beyond that limited user story.

Hear hear.