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Gainsight Assist - Change Email Date from Plugin

Related products: CS Timeline

 Hello All, 

We had a suggestion that came to us from one of our CSMs and we would love to see this addition. Our teams would love to be able to change the email date via Gainsight Assist, instead of having to navigate to Timeline. 

The example that was given was: 

One of our CSMs went on vacation and forgot to log an email to their timeline via Gainsight Assist. They went back and utilized Gainsight Assist and the date defaults to the date they are adding it to the timeline, which might not be the date the email conversation took place. They know they can go back on that timeline entry and edit the date, but it would be handy to have the ability to do this directly within Gainsight Assist. 

This would be a great addition that would streamline the process for them, given that above scenario probably happens more than we think it does. 

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