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Gainsight Home - Summary Ribbon must have the ability to show the Drill Down report view

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Hello Team,


It will be great if the reports/attributes in summary ribbon enabled with the possibility of showing the drill down report. So that when a CSM view the home page, they can have a detailed and interactive info available when needed. 

Hey @kumaranbcak, thank you for posting on Community. Seems like a great idea, however the PMs have to check the feasibility of this enhancement on their roadmap and get back to you.

Hi @kumaranbcak 

For most of the widgets, the drilldown/detailed information is present right below the summary ribbon. 

For example: For Company widgets, the information is present in the “My Portfolio Widget”. For the Scorecard widget, its detailed by My Portfolio and a Mass Edit report, etc. 


Can you share if some information is missing here or a potential flow on how CSM’s might use this?

@rakesh - Thanks for your response. Yeah, as you said most of the drill downs are available for the standard summary ribbon Attributes given by Gainsight. But, we have the ability to add a custom build KPI reports on the Summary ribbon. These KPI Summary reports don’t have the ability to show the drill downs. Yeah we can add a drill down report on the home page. But, it will be too clumsy. 

@rakesh I’ll add to this as well:


Hi @kumaranbcak 

For most of the widgets, the drilldown/detailed information is present right below the summary ribbon. 

For example: For Company widgets, the information is present in the “My Portfolio Widget”. For the Scorecard widget, its detailed by My Portfolio and a Mass Edit report, etc. 


I disagree with the initial statement here, and I’m happy to walk through an example of this in more detail if you would like. Mainly, assuming that My Portfolio and/or Mass edit reports are going to be right below the summary isn’t always true, nor is that necessarily a compelling reason not to allow drilldowns from the summary.


For the summary to be of any use to our end-users we would need to either be able to:​​​​​​

  1. Click into the metric and see a drill down (I would see this being the option if a KPI report instead of an attribute is used)
  2. Click on an attribute and have it jump to a report you link it to for additional detail

Why are those actions important for our users?

  1. Probably the biggest reason is that they will expect this behavior. If I build a KPI widget on a dashboard they can click on it and drill down to find information about this. If my widget is “Customers with “send help SOS Risk CTAs” and I see 5 there, does it make sense to require end users to hunt around on home to find the report that tells them which 5 customers that is? Or worse, know which dashboard to go to to find out? With the C360 (and much more so with the Horizonized one in beta) the summary widget includes the ability to click on the widget and jump to a report/layout section for more detail.
  2. Because of #1, individual KPI widgets need to be used so that our end-users can get the information they need in a meaningful way. The issue with this is that these widgets take up at least 5x the space so you’re pushing full reports and other data farther and farther down the page.
  3. Even accepting the premise that the drilldown information is ‘right below’ the summary in the my portfolio widget, scorecard etc., that isn’t necessarily filtered to what is on your summary, which leads you back to my point in #1.


The summary has lots of great potential, but with the premise of Gainsight Home being a tool to improve CSM workflows, it still has some room to improve to really demonstrate that value in my opinion.

I would agree with all the above. I have yet to really customize Gainsight Home for this reason. My users were hoping it could replace some dashboard reports, and without the drill down, it just can’t. 

Updated idea statusNo StatusAcknowledged

The attributes in the summary ribbon are simple counter intuitive and not usable. It shows snapshot information without the ability to drill down. And what is point of summary if I have to show the reports in the home page anyway! I prefer to use the space for other reports that require detailed layout in the space.

@rakesh @anirbandutta any update on this?

Hi @bradley … thanks for looping me on the Gainsight Home set of Ideas. Helped me summarize the feedback for the PM team today.

@rakesh coming back to this again where we’ve basically had this exact request with GS Home from the field. The main difference is that this feature was asked for from a tabular report, however getting this functionality into the summary could probably go a ways to helping with this.


Related post here: 


Just following up here to see if there has been any additional follow up. Having the ability to drill down is important for our teams as well and would help with Gainsight home adoption. I agree with all of Bradley’s points from his comment a year ago and agree that while the drill down reports are available it doesn’t mean they will be placed right below the ribbon or that we will even include those in each home profile. Having to include a drill down report in the home screen for each of the summary reports also adds clutter to the Home screen. 

Let me know if I can provide any additional information. 

Hi Team, Happy to update you that this is currently being planned, We will share with you the designs once they are fixed.


disappointed to see that this was marked as “Planned” and still not included in the latest updated Gainsight Home release. @pgeorge do you have any more insights on why this was missed when Gainsight overhauled and released a new Home Beta?