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Include all attempts in PX funnels

Related products: PX Analytics

Background: I’d like to understand the impact of my Engagements on user behavior over time. In order to do this, I need to understand whether or not the average time to complete a process (funnel) decreases - or increases - over time. This would require that the funnel track every pass that a user makes at a process. 

Problem: PX funnels only report on the first pass a user makes at a process. This skews the report heavily towards an onboarding use case (ie. how do new users tackle a process), but does not give me insight into whether or not users are becoming more efficient as they learn my application, or if a release impacted the time it takes for experienced users to complete a process.


Request: Allow funnels to evaluate all of a user’s attempts at a process, rather than the first one. This will give me a much more comprehensive view of behavior and the overall experience users have in my application. This is also frankly how I would expect a funnel to work, anyway. It was a surprise to learn that PX is using a small subset of the available data to build this report. 

Does the funnel report show only the first attempt within the time period? Or only the first attempt at all? I’m also looking to measure the success of engagements. 

@mmarques I might be wrong but I think it’s one attempt per session? 

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@mmarques Its the first within the time period.
@mdowney2 Not necessarily per session. If User scope is selected, it can be across multiple sessions as long as it is within the time out period.
/My comment 3 days ago did not get posted]
