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Use Case: It would be a better user experience if we could allow users to enter the application and do some of their important tasks before we start showing them any non-critical PX Engagements that they may be qualified to view.
Potential Product Enhancement: Include an option to wait/delay the triggering of a PX Engagement so that users have time to do their necessary tasks in the application before being presented with any Engagements.
There are (at least) two places this could be implemented…
- This could potentially be appended to the current Engagement Throttling settings and should be based on elapsed PX session/visit time in the application (e.g. 3 minutes after a session has started) or # events recorded (e.g. 20 events have been tracked) or # of page views completed (e.g. 10 pages viewed). This would also continue to allow specific PX Engagement to “ignore” these settings and play in real time as needed. A sample mockup of these changes to the current Throttling configuration screen is below:

- This could potentially be appended to the Qualification Scope of the Engagement. A sample mockup of these changes to the Qualification Scope configuration screen is below:

Gainsight add-on...
Currently, PX Dialogs support a “initial delay” option to have them triggered after a certain period of time on a page or feature, but other Engagement types do not offer this setting. To be clear, this is not the same request or use case. See available setting below:

It is also important to note that if you do use this “initial delay” setting that the PX Dialog Engagement “view” event for this User is automatically triggered and recorded immediately even if the user navigates away from this page before the PX Dialog is actually displayed. So, use this setting with caution as the “view” events are not always true and can be misleading.