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I would like to have the option of making private groups hidden from the rest of the community, and only have it visible to their members.

This will support our use case to create a private messaging space for our decentralized accounts to connect and collaborate. We will only invite other members from that logo to join as part of their onboarding process.

Let me know if this is would make our strategic accounts team VERY HAPPY!




@Marion Frecaut thank you making this happen -- are we able to convert existing private groups to hidden groups?


Hello @justine.rae ! Yes you are 🙂 By simply clicking on the edit group button you will see the option available!

Hello @Scott Baldwin you can now move any topic from any category or group to hidden groups. Thanks again for raising this :)

Thanks @Marion Frecaut — that worked.

As I was moving things though I noticed that the hidden groups don’t appear in the content filters in Control. When I select FILTER > PUBLISHED IN the hidden groups don’t appear.

It also would have been nice to be able to select all relevant posts at once and use the the MOVE TO button to shift from a category to a group. In this case only categories appear, so you have to go in topic-by-topic and change the Forum dropdown to the hidden group.

Out of curiosity, any plans to offer a way to archive a group once a group’s work has finished or the group is no longer needed? It would helpful to get them out of the list of overall groups and also could automatically remove the members that were part of the group and let them know it has been archived. If not, please let me know and I can create yet another IDEA.

Hello @Scott Baldwin you are absolutely right to ask for such filters and bulk actions. I created a ticket and we will make sure to implement this shortly.

Concerning your question about being able to archive groups, we have no short term plans around it so far. An idea about it would be great indeed :sunglasses:


Added it @Marion Frecaut 


Updated idea statusUnder ConstructionDelivered

This idea is now delivered 🙂 Here is the link to the product udpate