Randomized A/B Testing in Journey Orchestrator.

Related products: CS Journey Orchestrator, Email & Notifications

Is there any plans for creating a truly randomized A/B testing feature in Journey Orchestrator?


I’ve seen numerous work around posts, but the issue is that it’s not really random.  Any thing you manually build is going to be random for your first send, but the next time you use the logic, it’s no longer random.  This makes it difficult to test out things like Subject lines, content, email variants because the same set of people are always getting the same content. 

It would be an amazing feature to just be able to set this up using the new Journey Orchestrator tool with a icon that lets you drag and drop an a/b test step right before an email step. 

Adding a comment to this as well. We would greatly appreciate an A/B testing option. Agree with Justin that once you set up the conditions it eventually removes the random aspect, also the workarounds right now tend to get a little messy and cumbersome when trying to build and maintain. Have there been any updates on including this in Gainsight?

New IdeaParked

I know this idea has been parked, but @dayn.johnson this would be really nice to have considering we had to implement our own A/B testing functionality last year and IIRC, it didn’t seem to be truly random.

This idea would be great to have as a native feature dynamic JO eventually offers.