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Hey Team,


We have noticed that when we assign Custom Viewer Permission Group to Viewer Lisense Type Users. They are able to change the name  of the Layout or Global Permissions for Adoption explorer layout( AE:: Analysis page).


Can we restrict this to make sure discrepancies that can be caused due to changes on the same?

Adoption explorer data and the project including layouts should only be accessed by Admins. Adding user level analytics permission to be limited based on permission bundles or PS assignment process for both viewer and full licenses type.

Allow view only controls on customer 360 AE views but should be enabled with filter changes. 

Hi @prithvi_vihari and @narayanan_s 

Many thanks for your input.

We are working on adding these restrictions and better provisioning of permissions in AE as part of our next release and that should take of this issue.




Please increase priority for this enhancement.


Currently we are working on this and should be there by early Q1.




@skalle thanks Sailaja!

End Proctoring-

Hi @skalle - is this still going to be delivered this quarter? Currently any user has the ability to delete all the usage data, layouts, etc. and this is terrifying. I see random users doing things in the admin section and all it takes is one clumsy user to really make a mess of things. 

@sai_ram or @skalle  do you have an update here? I don’t want users to have access to the Adoption Explorer section - all the usage analytics they need is within C360 or R360. Currently they could potentially go in and mess up existing layouts for all users, delete data, etc. Its really important to prevent this. 


Acknowledged. We will work on this in our future release.

Will target July releasefor the same.

Hi @prithvi_vihari , @jlicciardello  I have tested this some more and few observations are, if a user is owner who created the layout  or if a user is Super Admin, only then will the user be able to modify the Layouts, Data etc. Otherwise, the users will not be able to modify or delete. The viewer user only has capability to create new usage dashboard if needed but not modify other assets.

This should help put lot of control on who manages the content. Let me know if you have any more concerns on the same.



Hi @skalle I tested this with a regular user and believe this is now correct - but I’m confused was this a recent change? Because I see these “modified by” names who are not owners of the layout nor super admins - this is what made me nervous in first place.


We fixed this in the 6.23 release I think. There are few more enhancements we are working on adding restrictions in the upcoming releases to make this even better.

Hello Everyone!

As mentioned by @skalle, this was implemented in earlier release. Here is the explanation of who can perform Edit and Delete operations on the Layouts and Usage Sections. Please let us know in case you have further queries.

Thanks and happy posting!



@skalle @sai_kumar