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Sales View widget on mobile Account page

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I have the Sales View widget enabled on our Account records, but it will not load when I view that Account via Salesforce mobile app, no mattter how long I sit there and wait for it to load.  Is Sales View supported on mobile view of page layout or no?

2 replies

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 18 replies
  • May 30, 2018
Hey Sarah. 

Thanks for the post. Our sales view widget is not optimized for mobile usage, which might be the reason you don't see the widget loading.

However, GS on mobile is something were are thinking for some time now. I am curious to know, what GS information you'd like to see on see on mobile (or on the go)? 

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  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 26 replies
  • May 30, 2018
Hi Pawan, 

Ask and ye shall receive! 😉 We develop education software and work very closely with our customers to implement that software.  Our professional services team is significant in size, and they are constantly traveling to different customer sites.  Our sales teams as well.  They have spotty Wifi, if any, while traveling and at customer sites, so cellular networks and mobile devices are critical tools when preparing for their meetings/training sessions.  With such a mobile workforce, and with each person assigned to so many accounts in a particular region that they are rarely in their home offices at their desks, the more we can put at their fingertips on the mobile app so that they can prepare to go on site, the better. 

Some things that our field team need to know as the prepare to go on site: 

  • Customer health, and reasons why.  (e.g. Scorecard)  Were they launched/onboarded, or are they still struggling to get their data initially loaded into the product so they can use it?  Nothing de-rails our on-site training sessions at the start of the school year faster than a customer that has no users in the product and can't log in to actually train.  What is the onboarding issue, who is working on it, and what is a workaround so that the on-site training can still happen?

  • Which products are they using?  How were they intending to use them/what are their usage goals?  We offer several implementation models tailored to the needs of the school, teacher, and student, so it is a highly variable situation they're walking into.  A one-stop glance at what they've purchased and their implementation plan objectives is critical. (e.g. Success Plans / Lifecycle CTAs depending on how we design that piece.) 

  • If it's later in the school year, are they using the product as they intended and as we would recommend to yield the highest growth for students?  What picture does their usage data paint? (Our CTAs would show if there is a current usage issue, so Cockpit view.)

  • Who has contacted the customer and when?  Did the "CSM" reach out about usage issues already, or deferring to the field team to address on site?  If so, what is that conversation history so they can jump in organically, provide continuity, and re-enforce what's already been said. (e.g. Timeline)  

    Taking this a step further into design, we'd want to pre-filter the Timeline to maybe the last 30 days worth of activity, and/or by person logging the activity (e.g. outreach by the "CSM" specifically perhaps), and/or by particular outreach type (e.g. which emails have they received, whether through CoPilot automation or from a human being manually).  Our field team won't dig through too much history, so relevant history is important to show first.

    (On that note too, we want to roll out Timeline to everyone in the organization so there's one place to look, not 2 places: the Gainsight Timeline and the Account Activity History.  I know you're already working on syncing certain activities from Account > Gainsight Timeline, so making it a 2-way sync, and that is WONDERFUL news!)

  • Reduce / eliminate the need to send emails back and forth between team members in the days leading up to an on-site!  Curb the nerves of the field team by having everything they need to know in the SYSTEM, and ONE system (at least to them, it's one system), and not Outlook, so that they can feel prepared to go on site.  Efficiency.  Streamlined.  Managing customers at scale.

Initially, my idea was to expose the Sales View widget on the Account page in SF so that we can leverage Gainsight's holistic customer view to keep everyone in the organization looking at the same health scores, tactical tasks/issues being managed by the "CSM", activity/outreach timeline, etc. but then when I realized it wouldn't display on the mobile view, that idea fell flat.  If our users were always logging in on a computer, it might work, but that's not realistic and we really need Mobile visibility into Gainsight's awesomeness.  We're concerned that our internal operations this next school year will be disjointed because some users will be looking at Gainsight and others will be looking at SF to piece together the full picture and/or emailing their colleagues for answers when they can't find them.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to explain our use case and needs!  I look forward to seeing what you all come up with.


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