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As a community manager we try to always put our customers first and one thing we all hate is filling forms, especially when its for a company that already knows you….

We regularly organise events for which recordings are then made available but also create downloadable materials. Because this is also used for demand generation we gate this content on our site. However it would feel very natural to provide access to this content to our known customers within the community. There does not seem to be a dedicated place or topic type for content download sadly. And while we can use a standard article and host the video recording there, and provide links to un-gated PDFs of our materials, this would result in creating a complete black box of lost information about who downloads or watches what among our customers.

I would love to see a new topic type for this purpose: content consumption tracking, to put bluntly:

This could even take a slightly different format in search results, by having a download button, or a watch now button that triggers the engagement tracking to be recorded. 


Hi @SmartlyGreg! Thank you for this idea! 

Sharing recordings and files on an event page is very much aligned with our long-term vision for the Events module. However, having a dedicated file storage feature or kind of library to allow community members to download materials is not as close to the direction we’re going. We think that topics will remain in the near future the only place to upload and download files from, so I will park this idea for now. 

Updated idea statusNewClosed (Parked)

@Cristina I think the main concern I’m trying to address here (and for this maybe as you said the Topics is still the way to go) is the tracking. While I understand there are various ways it could be done outside of InSided; having the ability to record who downloaded what piece of content from InSided would be a great addition. 

As an end user I’d love to be identified by InSided as a member of the community and be able to download content without filling forms… But I think the price to pay for InSided to provide this improved user experience to me shouldn’t be the lack of knowledge about who downloads what! 

Thank you for the clarification, @SmartlyGreg! Recording who downloaded what file and other insightful data or logs around this type of activity is something we can definitely look into to make available to community teams. It does sound like a helpful tool for content & engagement strategies. 
If it’s ok with you, I’d like to change the title of the idea to something like “Tracking the downloads of attachments” ( open to suggestions 😄) to reflect better the need you expressed and open it up to collect votes and input from others. 

@Cristina I think changing the title to that would make a lot of sense if it resonates better with the product team, as the end goal from my perspective is really to ensure that information is not lost just because we host the content on the community! 

I guess I lost a bit of focus of that when I posted the suggestion the way I did, thanks for helping me narrow it down to the core idea!

Updated idea statusClosed (Parked)Open

Hello @Cristina 

Is there any update on the idea? Our organization is also really keen on having the ability to track the usage of Community resources that could in return help with better UX. Having that kind of features built in would be fantastic as opposed to GA etc.

Thank you

We would also love to see this.