Language settings

  • 11 April 2024
  • 2 replies

  • Gainsight Employee: Team Captain
  • 54 replies

We’re excited to have you onboard! This article covers the first steps that you need to take to get started with localizing the interface in Customer Communities.

In this guide:

  • Enable or disable an additional language
  • Customize a phrase for each language independently in destination
  • Customize a phrase for each language independently in control


How to Enable or Disable an Additional Language

Enable or disable additional languages for your CC instance to cater to your diverse user base



  1. Access Control: Log in to the admin-facing portal, referred to as Control.
  2. Navigate to Settings: Find and click on "Settings" in the sidebar menu.
  3. Select “Languages”: Within Settings, locate and select the "Languages" option.
  4. Enable or Disable Languages: 
    • To enable an additional language, toggle on the "Enable language" option for the desired languages. These will then be available for users in Destination, allowing them to switch the interface to their preferred language.
    • To disable a language, simply toggle off the button next to the respective language. Note that any customized phrases will be saved and reinstated if you decide to enable the language again.

By following these steps, you can easily adjust the language options available to your users, enhancing their experience by providing a more personalized interface.



How to Customize a Phrase in Destination

Customize specific phrases within Destination to align with brand voice or to better suit your user base.



  1. Login to Destination: As an Admin or Community Manager, sign into Destination.
  2. Select Language: Choose the language you wish to customize phrases for.
  3. Activate Phrases Customization: Click on the "Phrases" toggle button located in the "Customization bar" in the lower right corner.
  4. Edit Phrases: Look for the small edit buttons next to the phrases you want to customize. Click on the relevant button to begin editing.
  5. Customize and Save: An edit banner will appear at the top, showing a flag indicating the language being edited. Make your changes and click "Save" to apply the customization to that specific language only.

You've successfully customized phrases in Destination, ensuring that your platform speaks directly to your users in a manner that's both engaging and culturally appropriate.



How to Customize a Phrase in Control

Modify or add new phrases in Control to enhance the user experience with localized language options.



  1. Admin Login: Sign into Control as an Admin or Community Manager.
  2. Access Customization: From the sidebar, select "Customization" and then navigate to "Phrases."
  3. Language Selection: Choose the language you wish to modify or add phrases to.
  4. Phrases Overview: You will see phrases available in the selected language on the “Phrases Overview” page.
  5. Adding or Editing Phrases: 
    • To add a new phrase, enter the module and key.
    • To edit an existing phrase, the module and key will be pre-filled. Modify the text as needed.
  6. Save Changes: After adding or editing the text, click "Save" to apply the changes for that language only.

Customizations made in Control allow for a tailored user experience, ensuring clarity and efficiency across different languages.


2 replies

For the module and key sections, is that the code from the ‘Languages’ page? For example, German would be de for both code and module?

Hi @ryanne.perry! Module and Key are not related to language but to identifying the phrase so that your community knows which exact phrase you want to see changed.

You can reach out to your CSM or support in case you are looking to customize a specific phrase. Once the key and module are identified, you can select the language and follow the steps as outlined in this guide.
