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Admin Office Hours - 7/18/19

  • 15 July 2019
  • 6 replies

Hi everyone, this thread is for our Thursday Admin Office Hours session, which will be held Thursday, July 18, 2019. Submit your questions to this thread, and we'll address them during our session at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

There is no need to register for the sessions. If you have a question, please post below or join the meeting. I will go in order of posts below or joining the session. Thanks!

Conference Details

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States: +1 (872) 240-3412

Access Code: 493-151-677

6 replies

Badge +4
Hi Spencer,

Do you know if we can use if function in the formula field? For instances: if(Churn<0, Churn/Churn Goal)

Hi Spencer,

I'm looking to create a rule that captures the last Timeline entry in order to have more flexibility with reporting. Can you walk me through this process, and also clarify if I need to create a new field first in either Gainsight or Salesforce?

Userlevel 7
Badge +3
Hi Lauren -

You don't necessarily need to create a field unless there's something specific from said Timeline activity and push it to SFDC or MDA. For capturing the data you need, try checking out this video and see if it helps. Thanks!

Looking to confirm a JO program email to be sent 24 hours priorto a date field

Hey Spencer,

I just posted a question on Community that I was hoping we could discuss during Admin Office Hours -

Let me know!


Thanks, Spencer! I watched the video, but I still had a couple of questions. Mainly, I wanted to clarify when I should use the option to pull two data sets and merge them. I'm not entirely sure if my particular use case requires that step.
