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EMEA Admin Office Hours - 10/10/19

  • October 7, 2019
  • 1 reply

This thread is for the Admin Office Hours session for Thursday Oct 10th,2019. Submit your questions to this thread and we'll address them during our session at 1p-3p GMT+1.

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Hi Baji

This Thursday can I pick your brain please about the Boots renewal campaign we're running as we've hit a couple of challenges namely about adding / removing participants mid-process:

Currently, we include contacts from accounts that are exactly within the next 89 days from their account being renewed. There may be 5 contacts per one account who will enter the program when their account is Renewal date = next 89days. We now have only 2 different versions of notifications – 1st notification followed by a reminder. The first notification needs to be sent when an account is 89 days out from renewal, then again after few days in no action is taken. The reminder goes out more frequently when an account is less than 30 days out. Before each email is sent out, we need to check 3 criteria:

- Has account already renewed?

- Has account terminated?

- Has contact been removed from this process (e.g. because they changed jobs)

The challenge I have is how to tackle accounts/individual contacts that may enter the dataset when their renewal is < n89d out. For example, we have identified an account called XYZ where 3 of 5 contacts on our file were incorrect. All 5 would already enter the program and would be sent e.g. 2 notifications. How can we:

- Automatically remove the 3 contacts that are incorrect so no further emails are sent. My Data Architect suggests he will reload the dataset (the dataset I use in my query to pull participants) every day as wipe-clear & reload thus removing those participants who need to be removed at the source – if this was the case, once someone enters the program and then they are removed, can I check back to the dataset to find out if contact is no longer included and knock them off?

- If a new contact is added into the dataset and needs to enter the program, in this example a new contact for customer XYZ, but their renewal date is now less than the next 89 days – how can I ensure they will get the email sent out and indeed the correct template (which is determined by the renewal date).

The critical poin here is the timeframe emails need to be sent out - the current schedule is: T - 89 / 60 / 30 / 30 / 21 / 14 / 7 / 3 / 1. we can adjust this but they key is that if an cusotmer is due to renew in 2 weeks and we send them a nitification, they ignore it, we need to send them another one in 7 days. If an acocunt is 3 months out, we send them a notification and they ignore it for 7 days, we do not want to email them again every 7 days.

I suspect the first challenge if checking if a contact is to be removed would be easier to set up as one of the conditional waits, but including new participants mid process, do we need a separate program for this or can we achieve this in the one program?




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