Hi @sdrostgainsightcom ,
Following up on Tuesday’s conversation:
- Does/can Gainsight expose Timeline attachments in such a way that we can index them for search via our own internal search engine, and from those search results link directly to the attachments?
- What is the minimum license and permission bundle needed by a non-CSM user that would enable them to be able access the attachments and download them?
- New: Can we restrict what content can be indexed and linked to? For example via rule-based data permissions (or any other method). For example, only allow indexing of attachments in timeline where Timeline > Company > tcompany field] = a specific value/criteria.
C360/Summary has two widgets one captures Annual Revenue and the other Monthly Revenue. Is there a way to filter within C360 the ARR captured from Company and MRR captured from Company to only display the current years/months revenue and leave the values blank if it is for a previous year or month?
i.e., Accounts last Revenue Invoice is for 08/31/2023 - and the ARR and MRR within the C360 are capturing Revenue which is not current.
Thank you,
Good morning Scott
I want to create a CTA rule that will run based on a change in the overall score.
I believe I need to create a new field for “Old/previous Score” and would appreciate help creating that.
and how to create the action criteria to identify specific change.
Thank you
Hello @justo.casablanca --
Because the Attachments question digs so deeply into back-end architecture, I won’t have definitive answers on a) and on C) until next week after I can talk with some of the engineers.
That said, 90% sure that the answer on these is “no” -- or that because the answer to A) will be no (at least, for the foreseeable future), then C) becomes irrelevant as you are describing it, since you don’t want certain documents to be returned to a searching user outside of Gainsight based on a rule inside Gainsight.
Separately, though, I’ll test the minimum license required for access to an attached file in Timeline since that’s a good item to know offhand.
Talk with you in a few hours!