Tuesday US Admin Office Hours (CS Platform): Feb 27, 2024 - 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET - Pre-session Thread

  • 26 February 2024
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello everyone!

This thread is for our upcoming Tuesday Admin Office Hours session on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Tuesday, Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:



Meeting ID: 967 5809 8131

Passcode: 678844


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number: 


7 replies

Badge +1


Created a CTA Rule, called, “CTA: Tickets Volume Increased 15%” which compares the percentage difference in Current Month Cases vs Previous Month Cases. 

I have captured the “Total for Current Month Cases” and “Total for Previous Months Cases” within a Merge.

Transformation: formula used: ((A-B)/B)*100

  • Transformation: Add Formula Field
  • Label: “Percentage Curr Mo Cases vs Prev Mo Cases”   
  • Date Type: Number
  • Expression Type: Calculated Field
  • Decimal Places: 2
  • Type of Calculation: Comparison
  • Calculate Difference in: Percentage
  • Time Identifier, Created Date Curr
  • Select a field in both Define A and B
    • Count of Case ID Curr
    • Count of Case ID Prev

Group By: Aggregate Office OCS ID Curr and Aggregate Office OCS ID Prev

Receive validation errors stating other fields are not being Grouped By i.e., Account ID Curr

When I mark the Group By next to the Account ID Curr then it adds the word “Count” to the beginning of each Aggregation Name.  The cycle continues every time I mark another field as Group By.


Thank you,

Di Hastings








Follow-ups from a previous meeting. I may not be able to attend past the initial 30 minutes, but I still want to keep these questions in the queue.

  1. For an account scorecard measure score, what is the datetime on which the score was last updated, regardless if it was done by a rule or a user.
  1. For an account scorecard measure score, what is the datetime on which the accompanying comment was last updated, regardless if it was done by a rule or a user?
Badge +1

Hey scott-- I’m interested in knowing if I can use the CTA API to mark CTAs as Important or Not Important, when the CTAs are starred. 

If so, can we please go over how to craft that API, as I am still rusty with the language. 


Hi, Scott - We’ve just rolled Gainsight out to our entire company. One of our expected use cases is assigning tasks from Timeline to others in the organization. It looks like you can only assign a task to someone who attended the meeting. Otherwise, you have to reassign it after saving. Is this expected behavior?

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello @aoleson01 -- yes, this is expected behavior -- although someone posted the ability to assign the CTA as well as a request/product idea (link below), there haven’t been any other votes for it over the years, so it hasn’t landed on Product Team’s radar yet as an enhancement.

One of the complexities of adding the CTA assignment is that each task that is created is added to the same CTA, and the different tasks can be assigned to different people - so it would mean adding a separate couple clicks, probably, to assign the CTA to somebody (the default would still be the timeline entry creator, so that would be fine in terms of not adding clicks to biz-as-usual) -- but it would require some serious work.

Take a look at the post below, though, and add your vote and thoughts on how it might work best for your use case as a reply!



Hi Scott, I need help / q&a regarding a JO program

Badge +1


Update on original question regarding: Created a CTA Rule, called, “CTA: Tickets Volume Increased 15%” 


I created a new Relationship Rule, since I am capturing Cases from Asset Family - RCM,

Using the same Transformation info noted below; but, no longer receiving Group By validation errors (as I only selected certain fields in the Group By)

I have captured the “Total for Current Month Cases” and “Total for Previous Months Cases” within Merge, “Merge Curr Mo Cases - Prev Mo Cases”

Created a Transformation: formula used: ((A-B)/B)*100

  • Transformation: Add Formula Field
  • Label: “Percentage Curr Mo Cases vs Prev Mo Cases”   
  • Date Type: Number
  • Expression Type: Calculated Field
  • Decimal Places: 2
  • Type of Calculation: Comparison
  • Calculate Difference in: Percentage
  • Time Identifier, Created Date Curr
  • Select a field in both Define A and B
    • Count of Case ID Curr
    • Count of Case ID Prev

Within Actions - I am not able to see an option for Call To Action 2.0

I did read within support documentation: The Company GSID field should be added in the dataset for the Call-to-Action option to appear in the Action setup.

I created a Company Data setup which includes the Company GSID. 

I have tried different variations to Merge Company with other Data setups but am not having any luck in capturing Call to Action 2.0 within Actions.


Thank you,

Di Hastings
