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Hello everyone!

This thread is for our upcoming Tuesday Admin Office Hours session on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 955 7972 8548

Password: 457364


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number:

Hi Scott. Can we talk through automated CTAs based on increases/decreases in our data?  We are finally at a stable point with our login and usage data. Thanks!

Hey Scott - we have outlook to timeline working - but have a question….is it possible to attach the email to a specific CTA while sending - or is it just to general timeline

Hey Scott! Hoping to update historical data using a T/F data point!

We have a training team who is hired by our customers to set up 'Bootcamps' - Bootcamps are a series of emails to help users adopt the platform. 

We want to be able to see if these do indeed help drive adoption for our customers. So, I had our data team push in a T/F value for those who have ever been enrolled in a bootcamp. The problem is that it only applied to the daily files from the date we pushed it in and I need it to apply to all historical.

Hey Scott - we have outlook to timeline working - but have a question….is it possible to attach the email to a specific CTA while sending - or is it just to general timeline

I dont think its possible to do a specific CTA, but I am curious too! I have tried and only been able to do general timeline. 

@BrittanyReichwald you can add CTA as a related object….in the configuration..after the email is in timeline - but I don’t think you can do a task

