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Hello everyone!

This thread is for our upcoming Tuesday Admin Office Hours session on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 955 7972 8548

Password: 457364


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number:

Survey program customized reminder emails

cc @duncanroy 

IWe are planning on running our bi-annual voice of the customer survey through Gainsight (previously using Qualtrics), and one of the main reasons in doing so is the ability to automate the follow-up reminder emails.


As I've started creating a test Survey program, it seems that we are a bit limited in the editing of the program and can only use one email template for the reminder email.


Ideally, the first email would go out, then we would have a conditional wait with non-respondents getting 'Follow-up A', then another conditional wait and non-respondents then getting 'Follow-up B' and so on. Though it appears with the current setup we could just send them 'Follow-up A' multiple times.


Any guidance here on a possible workaround?

Hi Scott, need help understanding what could be the reason I can’t link case object to a CTA creation rule, I have check the permissions, linked the Object in Cockpit, still not able to add it in the rule action.  


I’ve got questions on bringing in individual sentiment health scores into success plans.





I’m struggling to build a report that shows who moved from Red to Green and vice versa week over week during the past x weeks. Something like show below that I grabbed from a GS blog post. 





I need some assistance with creating a Rule to upsert data into a Gainsight Custom Object. I’m pretty sure I’m fetching the correct data from the Gainsight Company Object, but I don’t know if my Rule Action is working properly, because the test run didn’t look right.



I'm trying to import data from Intercom to gainsight with Intercom Connector, but one field from intercom named tags doesn't import easily.


Tags from Intercom are listed like this on the job creator: tags.tags

  • .name


    I have tried two different types of data on gainsight Job to map this field, Dropdown List and String, both of them didn't work.



  • I'm trying to import data from Intercom to gainsight with Intercom Connector, but one field from intercom named tags doesn't import easily.


    Tags from Intercom are listed like this on the job creator: tags.tags

  • .name


    I have tried two different types of data on gainsight Job to map this field, Dropdown List and String, both of them didn't work.




    Hi Scott Drost.


    About this topic, you said you would open a support ticket to help me with it, where can i follow this ticket?



    @sdrostgainsightcom Where do you post the recording of the session?


    Thanks again for your help, 



    Hello @lucasjoao.oliveira -- I’m so sorry, there must have been a misunderstanding - I was recommending that you open a support ticket with Gainsight.  That way the information you need wouldn’t have to go through me first -- I don’t have access to your email address or workplace via community, so it will be more efficient if you open a ticket here:


