Since we released our API version 2, we got feedback from you that it is hard to find the corresponding information from the API when you have the topic url in your browser or in a BI/Analytics tool. For this reason, we are making improvements to the Content API's.
If you are displaying a topic in your browser, Google Analytics, or any other BI/Analytics tool, it may be possible that you want to get the corresponding data from the InSided API.
The same ID as you would find in the url of your browser is now available in the return value of the API under the parameter “publicID”.

Also it's easier and better documented to get the topic directly from the API, without having to do a mapping in the middle between internal IDs and the Public ones.
By using the List unified content (topics) endpoint you will be able to filter on the public ID and get the corresponding topic in return.
We are always happy to receive more feedback on how to improve our services.