πŸš€ Boost Your In-App Engagements: A Guide to Measuring Impact and Value 🎯

  • 22 March 2024
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Hey Gainsight PX Community! 🌟

Ever found yourself deep in the rabbit hole of creating countless in-app guides and engagements, only to pause and wonder, "Am I actually making a difference?" You're not alone! Let's embark on a journey to unravel the mystery behind measuring the true value and impact of your in-app engagements. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈβœ¨

Starting Point: Identifying the Problem πŸ€”

Before diving headfirst into the sea of engagements, take a moment to anchor yourself by identifying the problem you're aiming to solve. Imagine, your product team has launched a sparkling new feature, but alas, adoption is not soaring as expected. πŸš€πŸ‘€ What's the next step?

  1. Capture Baselines: Understand the current level of feature adoption without any in-app guidance. This is your starting line. 🏁

  2. Pinpoint the Cause: Is the feature playing hide and seek (discoverability issue), or is there a sentiment issue where users find it challenging to use? Or perhaps, they're not fully aware of the feature's value. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

Using Gainsight PX's Feature Adoption report under the Analytics section, you can capture your baseline adoption today.Β  (shown below in our demo environment called β€œFace2Face” - a fake web conferencing tool)


Crafting Your Solution: Simple Engagements πŸ› οΈ

With your baseline in hand, create a simple yet effective engagementβ€”a quick product tour for that crucial new feature, or maybe a friendly tooltip to nudge users towards discovery.

Give it 30 days, and let's track the magic unfold! By revisiting the Adoption Feature Report and applying a filter for those who've completed the engagement, you'll witness the delta of your efforts.Β 


Your Hero's Journey πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Our mission is to crown YOU as the hero within your organization. To achieve this, let's break down the journey:

  • Challenge: New Feature release is craving more adoption love.
  • Baseline: Snag that baseline adoption data.
  • Goal: Set your sights on a north star for increased adoption. 🌠
  • KPIs/Success Metrics: Focus on the % of Adoption (both User % and Account %).
  • Solution: Unleash an in-app engagement to spotlight the feature.
  • Outcome: Users engaged with the feature will showcase a noticeable uptick in adoption compared to those who did not.

🌈 We'd Love to Hear from You! 🌈

Your stories fuel our community! Share your triumphs and tips on leveraging PX for stellar in-app engagements. Have you cracked the code on driving feature adoption or crafted engagements that left your users in awe? Let's create a mosaic of best practices together. Drop your insights below! πŸŽ€πŸ’‘

Together, let's transform the Gainsight PX space into a beacon of innovation and impact. Ready, set, engage! πŸš€

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