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We have a required question in a survey that has 5 selectable responses:

  • Very Easy
  • Easy
  • Neither Easy nor Difficult
  • Difficult
  • Very Difficult

If the user selects either “Difficult” or “Very Difficult” we would like to trigger a specific, “required” question that is not visible unless the user selects difficult or very difficult, is this possible? 

Hello @cterry_cpaglobal, thank you for your post. I am looping in our Product Manager to check the possibility and let you know. 


Hi @cterry_cpaglobal, yes this should be possible for you to do through Gainsight surveys. You can do so by adding display logic on the second question (and set the conditions accordingly) and marking it ‘required’. Please let us know if you need additional help with this. 

@richa_bala I asked our account manager if such logic was available for surveys and I was told it’s not. I also can’t see where in the editor one can set the conditions for the second question to display, can you pls provide that information? Or can you specify which survey/question/template type this logic would be available for since these vary alot between survey types. 



Hi @Mel after seeing your screenshot, I realised your question was regarding in-app surveys via Gainsight PX, whereas my previous response was applicable to Gainsight CS Surveys.

Looping in the PMs for PX to help with this. FYI @skalle @Chandu 

Thank you Richa. Moved it under the Gainsight PX category.

@richa_bala I asked our account manager if such logic was available for surveys and I was told it’s not. I also can’t see where in the editor one can set the conditions for the second question to display, can you pls provide that information? Or can you specify which survey/question/template type this logic would be available for since these vary alot between survey types. 



@Mel , at present, in PX we do not have the capability that you are looking for. We are working on this and we expect to make it available soon. This functionality in PX would be called Survey Branching and would be available in Multi Question Survey type. The workflow will be as follows:

  1. Step 1 - Ask the question Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Very Difficult. At Step 1 define the logic Show Step 2 if the answer at Step 1 is Difficult/ Very Difficult else go to Step 3
  2. Step 2 - Ask the mandatory question. Post response on Step 2 the user by default will be taken to Step 3; you may also configure to take him to Step 4
  3. Step 3 - Default Closure/ Thank you
  4. Step 4 - Custom Thank you for Difficult/ Very Difficult respondents

Hope this helps and always open for suggestions 😊



Thank you @aharkut .

Is this release on your 2022 roadmap? Q3? Q4?

Hi @Mel , Yes it is on 2022 roadmap and I estimate it to be available by Q3.
