How to create automated reports on daily/weekly basis with the help of a bookmark ?

  • 14 May 2019
  • 1 reply

In Gainsight PX, We can define how users can create daily or weekly automatic reports to their email addresses. In the individual profile level, each user by default can see the email reports which is enabled automatically.

You can create your own set of criteria for each report or a list of reports. Not only that, you will be able to make any bookmark that you create the default view, so you can receive your favourite reports automatically daily or/and weekly through email.

You can use bookmark to keep a track of your reports (bookmarks are easy to add, delete, and rename) daily/weekly basis.

For more information on how to set criteria and create a customized bookmark, refer Automatic Reports in Gainsight PX


1 reply

Badge +2
very cool, thanks for sharing!
