Hi folks,
One of our growth initiatives is to have numerous out of product nurture campaigns. We have open and click rates from our email providers, but want to track and launch an engagement once logged in within GPX.
We've tried utm referrals with emails sent from Hubspot and Sparkpost. We've experimented in the following ways, but still haven't had any luck:
- Shortening the UTM
- Placing the full and shortedn UTM link with attributes as the "URL" and the "Referral"
- Removing the UTM all together
Has anyone else experienced the UTM breaking or not being respected when triggering an engagement?
Hi Beatriz!
Would you be able to post a sample URL that you are launching from the email? This is an interesting question and use case for sure, so thank you!
Also, does this URL send the user directly into your product? Or, does this URL go somewhere else, like a login screen, that could be changing the URL when it finally redirects to your product?
Have you been able to verify that the URL in the email remains exactly the same, including URL parameters, when it renders that page within your product?
In my testing, I can launch a PX Engagement using a URL with parameters as long as the Engagement's Audience includes that very same URL with parameters. However, I know that when a Login process happens in my testing, it does not work as that Login process changes my original URL ... in my case, it strips off all those URL parameters and that prevents PX from firing that Engagement. This could be what is going on, but I do not know your product or process for sure.
I hope this helps a little!
Yes! You're absolutely correct. The audience and the target URL both have parameters but when it comes to those who have to login, the URL parameters are stripped.
Have you found a successful workaround to still bring up an engagement despite having the URL parameters stripped?
Sorry, I have not.
If the URL parameters must be preserved, then the Login process that you are using must preseve them when it redirects the user into your product after a successful login.
I would suggest reaching out to that development team on your side (if possible) for assistance.