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[URGENT] Need help with qualification criteria

We have created a native onboarding checklist page with CTAs that a user clicks on to land on the URL of a particular feature and a Gainsight tour is triggered that walks the user through setting up that feature/gives an explanation of it. 

The problem I’m facing right now is in creating qualification rules. I want the qualification scope to function exactly like a badge, but without a badge being the trigger. So when a  user clicks on the CTA button and lands on a particular URL, I want the tour to trigger Just Once every time that page is loaded, and I want it to trigger Every time that the particular page is loaded. 

I’ve been trying to find a workaround for this but have been failing to find one. This is my current qualification scope that is not ideal but I thought it would at least work, and it isn’t working for me.

The audience logic - URL is

  1. Show engagement 1000 times
  2. At least 1 minute between views
  3. Set 1 minute recurring intervals
  4. On completion wait for next recurrence
  5. End after 100000 occurrences
  6. Ignore throttling
  7. Engage 100% of the targeted audience

This should have worked every time I loaded the page after a minute, but that’s not the case for me. It only works once and then works again when I delete the apt.sid cookie. Why is this the case?

Please help me if I’ve missed out on something obvious and added an incorrect condition. Also, if you have any changes in mind for the qualification scope, do let me know.​​​​

5 replies

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 50 replies
  • July 6, 2023

Hello @Simarpreet Singh 

From my understanding the audience rules are accurate for the use case you are trying to achieve.

And for engagement working only after cookies deleted, I would recommend a support ticket to get it verified.


But there is another way of getting the engagement to trigger if you want to show the engagement every time

Add the audience logic as follows:
You can add query parameter to have -> source is checklist
And the feature with URL rule of the page they are about to land is set to  “being used right now”.
Under schedule, you can add paywall every time, so it should automatically trigger


Added a working video here for reference -

Also a few points to remember - 
While adding feature mapping being used right now for the page url, please do not forget to add “ * ”, so it will recognise the page url with query parameter.

Hope this helps.

Hi @Surendra, the problem with the paywall scope is that once the tour gets completed or the user closes it, it’ll start again if they choose to stay on that page and explore it, which will not be a good experience for them. That should still happen with my current flow (but with a minute’s gap), which is why I said it isn’t ideal. 

Is there no other way to only have a tour trigger once per page load? I feel that this is a very valid use case for a native onboarding checklist or feature explanation guide where the trigger is a button click from the platform or a specific URL visit.

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 50 replies
  • July 6, 2023

Hi @Simarpreet Singh 
My bad for missing this out, you. can add the below logic in audience rule to prevent users who completed.
Like number of times user completed same engagement is less than 1, so people who have completed shouldn’t see it again.

Let me know if this solves your use case.


No @Surendra, unfortunately, it won’t solve my use case. The tour being triggered via a CTA click on our native onboarding checklist is a feature. If it stops working after a user completes it once, in a way that feature stops working as well. For some features, users might want to refer to the tour again in the future or see it more than once, so not showing it again once a user completes it isn’t an option. 

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 50 replies
  • July 6, 2023

@Simarpreet Singh  Makes sense, then having the ability to re-run the engagement if the click on the check-list should be available for users, then you shouldn’t add the engagement based audience rule.


Then utilising paywall should be a better option as the user can see the engagement if they have the source=checklist in their URL, which should ideally happen if the user clicks it from check-list on your website from my understanding.


As shared above the problem would be with user closing or completing the engagement.

If the user clicks close the engagement before completing, they wouldn’t see it as long they are exploring the same page, and same for the users who completed the engagement as well.


Also from my understanding for the checklist parameter in URL, user can only see the engagement if they click again using the checklist section, as it will send the parameter of source=checklist when they click on it. So if the user clicks away from the page to another page the source parameter section of URL disappears and they shouldn’t see the engagement.


Hope this helps.


Happy to connect with you to discuss this better if required.


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