Does your organization use MS teams? Do you want your users’ NPS responses into your organisation’s Teams channel?
Then, this article will assist you in setting up Zapier (or a related process automation platform) workflow to transmit PX NPS survey responses to Microsoft Teams.
Below, the configuration is split into sections to dive deep into the configuration at Gainsight PX, MS Team and Zapier.
Trigger event:
- Create a Zap with a trigger type: Webhooks. Select the trigger event as catch raw hook. Refer:
- In the next step, copy the web hook URL that is autogenerated.
Intermediate step(to format webhook response):
- Create a step, select code by Zapier.
- Select JavaScript in the action event.
- Continue, give a object name in the input data field(example: set)
- Click on the + icon and select raw body.
- In the code: use this
- const jsonString = inputData.set || '{}'; // Parse the JSON string into an object const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString); // Prepare the output by spreading the key-value pairs into a new object output = { ...jsonObject };
- refer:
Intermediate step(to filter webhook responses):
- Create a step, select filter by Zapier.
- Proceed to configuration and customize the filters as required. Example: In the below screenshot, I filtered for events where the score exists:

Action event:
- Select Microsoft Teams in the action.
- Select send channel message as action event.
- Sign into your org Team account in the account space.
- Proceed to configure, and select Team and channel where you want to send the NPS responses.
- Select Message text format as marked down.
- Customise your message that should be pushed to teams channel in the message box, you can type in your text and then use the plus icon to insert the respective fields onto the message.

Gainsight PX:
- Head to the webhook section in PX and create a new webhook config.
- In the call back URL, paste the that you have copied from Zapier trigger event.
- Scroll to the bottom of the trigger event, select the respective NPS engagement.
- Save the webhook configuration
- Refer:
Microsoft Teams:
- Head to the Teams channel and make sure that Zapier App is added to the team.
- Refer:
Once the above configurations are done, here’s how the flow of events would look like:
- The user submits an NPS response.
- PX will publish the Webhook event.
- Zapier trigger event will listen to this event train.
- The responses are then transformed and filtered by the intermediate steps.
- The MS Team the receives the required payload and the message is pushed to the configured channel.
P.S: You can level up the customization by including additional user/account fields along with the regular NPS score and Score type. Additionally, this opens up opportunities to send other available events(feature match, custom events, new user login etc) if we configure the respective events in the PX and Zapier.
Additionally, you may use Slack as the Action in place of MS Teams and send a customized message to a Slack channel.