Next week on Monday 31st August at ~11AM CEST we will bring the new moderation overview out of beta and make it the default moderation overview for all Control users.
Read on to find out:
- What improvements we’ve made since launching the beta.
- Whether you can still use the old overview for now (spoiler: yes).
- What’s next for the moderation overview.
What improvements have been made to the new moderation overview since the launch of the beta?
Here’s a recap of the improvements we’ve delivered since launching the moderation overview in beta at the beginning of June:
Improved reliability of the data on the overview (for example: when topics are trashed, or moved).
A responsive table design and UX, and the ability to customise the columns to display.
Even more filters and columns, including old favourites: unread by team (‘status’) column, moderation label column, filter by ‘unassigned moderator’, filter by best answer marked, sort by publish date, and more.
Bulk actions: close, trash, and change the category of several topics at once.
Ability to delete custom views.
Our most important investment since launching the beta has been to improve the data reliability of the new moderation overview. Thanks to your feedback during the beta, we identified where we weren’t keeping topics up to date. We’ve now resolved all of these issues. Topics are up to date instantly, meaning you can focus your moderation efforts on the right content.
Can I still use the old overview?
Yes, for now you can still use the old overview. Simply press ‘switch to old version’. We’ll remember your preference for the duration of your browser session.

Your old saved filters are also still accessible. These are now displayed in a combined list alongside your custom views saved via the new overview; old saved filters are identifiable via a grey warning sign.

What’s next for the new moderation overview?
We don’t yet have a locked-in date on which we’ll completely phase out the old moderation overview. Our ambition is still to provide a better set of capabilities and an improved design first, and then to phase out the old moderation overview once it’s convenient to you.
We hope you enjoy using the new moderation overview, and we’re looking forward to continuing to improve it even further with your feedback.
Please let us know any questions or feedback you’ve got in the replies!