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Improvements on the moderation overviews

Related products:CC Moderation
Improvements on the moderation overviews
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 530 replies

 Table of Contents:

Old vs. new Moderation Overview

We have released the new moderation overview for a while now and, as many of you noticed, the old moderation was offering a wider range of filters and sorting option than the new one. Almost a third of our customer base are active on a regular basis on the old moderation overview so we decided to look into how we can improve the new moderation overviews so that it serves its purpose in the best way possible. 

The starting point is to bring over the filters, sorting options and bulk actions that have not yet been moved, followed by enabling certain functionalities for all content types, strengthening and unifying the overview, while also enabling the opportunity to enrich the content-specific overviews with a wider filtering options. Last but not least, certain functionalities, for example the content flagging feature, will need to be rebuild, getting us closer to the point where we will be able to retire the legacy overview. 

A long way ahead of us but progress requires small and consistent steps. For now, let’s look at the latest additions to the new moderation overview ✌️


Filters now available in the new moderation overview


Filter by number of likes

This filters out all topics based on the number of likes received. Likes are not supported for ideas, so they will be displayed always with 0 Likes

Filter by number of votes

This filter is the equivalent of the Likes one but for ideas. Similarly, because Votes are not supported by other content types, you will see their Votes value set to 0.


Filter on topics without a moderation label assigned

It is now possible to surface only those topics that were not assigned a moderation label, hopefully simplifying the moderation reviewing processes


Filter the Articles and Product Updates by Status

This is an example of a filter that requires some extra effort before making it available in the global moderation overview, because the question, conversation and idea content types cannot yet be saved as drafts or scheduled. We will solve this behaviour inconsistency, but for now you can make use of it on the Articles and Product Updates overviews. 


Filter topics published & with last activity “Between” a date range

Another great piece of feedback that we received from our customers was to include an option to select a custom date range for the ‘Published date’ and ‘Last activity date’ for more specific results. 


Filter topics by public tags

Now it is possible to filter out all content types based on one or more public tags or it can be combined with the ‘Content Type’ filter to bring up only specific topics with certain public tags. The drop-down will include only the first 25 tags for optimised performance, but the search option is there to help you find any public tag you need.


Sorting options on the moderation overview table


Sort the content table by number of likes, replies and votes


The content table on the moderation overview can be sorted by the number of replies, likes or votes received by topics. The 3 columns can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking on the column name.

Some UI improvements

  • The content table is more compact now
  • We adjusted the width of filters to keep them consistent
  • The usernames displayed on different columns are now consistent and can be clicked to navigate to the user’s profile page in Control


Upcoming improvements

  • ‘Unread by team’ functionality will be added to ideas and product updates, making it also available on the content table of moderation overview.
  • Ability to filter ‘Closed’ or unclosed topics, including adding a small UI element to show on the overview if a topic is closed or not. 
  • A new column on the content table of the moderation overview to show the number of views received by a topic, with the ability to sort the table by this column
  • Some more filters to be added on the global moderation overview: ‘Author’; ‘Article label’; ‘Product update label’; ‘Status’; ‘Views’; ‘Replied by moderator’ are just a few ideas we currently have. 
  • An array of bulk actions that would save time organising the content
  • More flexibility & reliability with saving custom views
  • New content-specific overviews sharing the same set of filters and actions as the global one.


Our goal is to enable all moderation teams to ‘work smart’ and get valuable actionable insights from the content overviews, so feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments. 🙏

12 replies


@Cristina this update just made my weekend! I love seeing these improvements.


You mentioned an Author filter in the Upcoming improvements section. Would you also consider adding the option to sort by Author? This would be extremely helpful for us!


Use case: I’d like to view a list of all ideas sorted by who submitted them so that I can easily scroll through all ideas and see them “grouped” by user. 


Thank you for adding these sorting, filtering, and UI improvements! Linked usernames are a massive win as well :) 


@erin.brisson filter and sort by number of votes 😍I smell some new saved custom views in our future

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • January 22, 2022

Glad to see myself in your the moderation overview :D 

It would be awesome to add ‘views’ as a variable to the moderation overview table. Right now they only way to see topics per numbers views is exporting a csv which is a little too much trouble. 

  • 0 replies
  • January 23, 2022

Great to see some attention to this and all welcomed changes. Thanks a bunch! Looking forward to trying these out. 

  • 0 replies
  • January 23, 2022

+1 on @Gabolino suggestion as well. 

Suvi Lehtovaara

This is great news!

Do you have any plans on making it possible to browse the calendars on a year-level the same way it’s possible to browse in the old overview? 


  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 530 replies
  • January 24, 2022

Happy Monday 🙌 We’re very happy to read your positive reactions and thank you for sharing your feedback 🙏 


You mentioned an Author filter in the Upcoming improvements section. Would you also consider adding the option to sort by Author? This would be extremely helpful for us!

@adam.ballhaussen  This is a great idea! We were thinking of filtering by Author to see all topics published by a user, but sorting by author can provide some great insights as well. I would expect the sorting to be alphabetical. We’ll look into its feasibility. 


It would be awesome to add ‘views’ as a variable to the moderation overview table. Right now they only way to see topics per numbers views is exporting a csv which is a little too much trouble. 

@Gabolino The ‘Views’ column is coming soon. We’re currently working on strengthening the technical background to ensure unaffected performance and reliability. It looks like there will be a small trade-off, as the counters will get updated every 15 minutes, and not in real-time. Does this raise any concerns with you? 


Do you have any plans on making it possible to browse the calendars on a year-level the same way it’s possible to browse in the old overview? 

@Suvi Lehtovaara  That’s a great point, I can see how annoying it can be to navigate month by month. There is a shortcut that I would recommend, showed in this video. Once a custom range is selected, the text field above can be edited to the range needed and it will be applied to the filter. 

Suvi Lehtovaara
Cristina wrote:


@Suvi Lehtovaara  That’s a great point, I can see how annoying it can be to navigate month by month. There is a shortcut that I would recommend, showed in this video. Once a custom range is selected, the text field above can be edited to the range needed and it will be applied to the filter. 

Thanks @Cristina for letting me know about the work-around! :bouquet:

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 174 replies
  • July 12, 2022

Is adding a tag on that list of “an array of bulk actions”?

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 530 replies
  • July 13, 2022

Which kind of tag would you like to be able to add in bulk? Could you share some cases where this would come in handy?

We had moderator tags in mind as a bulk action, but we’re also open for suggestions. 😊 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 174 replies
  • July 13, 2022

I use public tags for a few different use cases:

Tag “zero” - I add to topics that don’t have a reply after 24 hours. It lets members click the tag, then sort by category on the search page. There’s no real way to surface topics without ANY replies on the front end without this tag. I also manually remove this tag after topics have a reply.

Tag “chat” - topics that are more opinion based, rather than how-to (technically could be conversation, but members don’t always use it that way). I surface these on the home page widgets as easy ways for people without product expertise to get involved. 

Tag “21r1” (or whatever current release) - We have a private forum for early adopters of each product release. After the product goes into general release, I move those topics to the internal forum, and add the tag for the version number to each one. 

These are all tags I manually add per post. It’s a lot of time consuming admin work. 

The zero option is my main issue. When employees ask where they can help, I send them the link to the search page with the zero tag selected. They can narrow down those topics by the category from there.

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 2 replies
  • August 17, 2023

Hi @Cristina, I'm readin the following:


"Some more filters to be added on the global moderation overview: ‘Author’; ‘Article label’; ‘Product update label’; ‘Status’; ‘Views’; ‘Replied by moderator’ are just a few ideas we currently have.”

Especially filtering on author is interesting for us, because then we can filter and see if a user has opened more than 1 topic about the same subject. 

Any idea if and when this will become a feature? 


Kind regards, 




Gainsight CC Team
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 134 replies
  • October 5, 2023

Hi @alexphilips - Filtering by author is still one of the feature we want to roll out, however we are unsure about when, please keep an eye on our product roadmap! - In the meantime, maybe you already know but just in case you don’t: you can add an Author column on the moderation overview, so it’s already easier for you to quickly see who wrote a certain topic :)

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